Bring back the taste of days gone by with this ooey-gooey mac-and-cheese classic. A little ground mustard and hot pepper sauce give it just the right spice....
My approach to this broccoli is to cook it slowly in the seasonings so the garlic blends with smoky bacon. A few simple ingredients make ordinary broccoli...
These tasty potatoes are a family favorite. They're easy to make and travel well to potlucks. We enjoy them as part of a hearty breakfast or alongside...
My family really likes this creamy, cheesy side dish-and it's so easy to make. Even those who usually don't eat much corn often ask for a second helping....
Feed a crowd with this authentic Arroz con Gandules recipe, which was handed down to me from my mom. It's a staple with the "familia" at all our gatherings....
This is a tradition at the table when my girlfriends and I go up north for a girls' weekend. The husbands and kids are left at home, but the slow cooker...
With just a handful of ingredients, this side comes together in a jiffy. Coupled with the ravioli, it's a menu that might just make you fall in love, Italian-style!...
This recipe, which was handed down to me from my grandmother, makes a good side dish for any meal. It's a simple way to spruce up a cabbage dish and has...
Don't be afraid to bring out the roasted Brussels sprouts. Mellowed with mustard sauce, they may just delight even the most skeptical folks. -Becky Walch,...
This recipe has become such a reliable standby for me that it's expected and welcomes by my friends. This dish can be served chilled for a salad or warm...
This couscous salad makes the most of summer's bounty. I used to prepare it with a mayonnaise dressing, but lightened it with lemon vinaigrette. It's even...
I FOUND this recipe in the newspaper many years ago. It has been a family favorite ever since. Since it goes well with any meat, it's a good "dish to pass"...
This is an old Pennsylvania Dutch recipe I've always served as a side dish. The simple addition of onion and celery gives the potatoes a special flavor,...
"Either as an appetizer or side dish," promises Faye Buffenmeyer of Lebanon, Pennsylvania, "this is delicious!" And, since it can be made ahead, you might...
Be prepared to make this cheesy hash brown casserole again and again. Creamy and cheesy, it's hard to believe this is a reduced-fat casserole. No potluck...
Bottled Italian dressing and pepperoni add zip to this colorful combination shared by Shannon Lommen. Serve it right away or assemble it ahead of time....
Whenever this dish makes an appearance at a family gathering or church potluck, folks always comment on the interesting combination of carrots and apple....
I leave out the giblets my mom used in her stuffing and bump up the fruit and wild rice instead. The result is this delicious apple cranberry stuffing....
Hearty, colorful, easy and fast were the reviews we gave this good-for-you dish. Barley has a healthy amount of soluble fiber, which aids digestion. And...
When I found a potato recipe that called for vinegar, I was intrigued. But without all the ingredients on hand, I had to improvise and gave it a whirl...
People always go back for seconds whenever I serve this hashbrown casserole. It is a snap to fix using quick convenient packaged ingredients. It travels...
My grandsons rave over these creamy potatoes loaded with Parmesan. That's all the endorsement I need. Sometimes I use golden or red potatoes, with skins...
This recipe, from Priscilla Gilbert of Indian Harbour Beach, Florida, combines fresh baby spinach with a delicious, creamy Parmesan cheese sauce. Crushed...
I had never tried mushroom spinach risotto until a trip to Paris a few years ago. Since then, I worked hard to create a recipe that tasted similar, and...
I tinkered around with a family cole slaw recipe until I arrived at this sweet & tangy combination. The packaged shredded cabbage is a real time-saver,...
This tart and crispy salad complements a variety of entrees, from casseroles and meats to pasta and pizza. "It's one of my favorite dishes," notes Valerie...
"WE HAD an enormous vegetable garden, so we enjoyed freshly picked cucumbers in summer. After the cucumber were sliced and soaked awhile in salt water....
"This is an old recipe handed down from my mother-in-law and is an especially good accompaniment to roast beef," Nancy Collins relates from Clearfield,...
This is a simplified version of a dish my Costa Rican host sister used to make when I was in the Peace Corps. It has become a favorite side dish at my...
I'm always in search of inexpensive yet delicious dishes to serve at potlucks. This fluffy rice pilaf recipe tastes as good as it looks. -Sheree Feero,...
Compliments crop up as fast as vines when folks sample this zucchini casserole. Even those who generally don't like zucchini find they enjoy it in this...
Here in Iowa, asparagus patches grow wild along the roads. My husband and I often go asparagus hunting on Saturday and Sunday mornings. A tangy mustard...
A side of fragrant Almond Rice perfectly compliments most any dish. "When I serve this, I sprinkle the edges of a large serving platter with fresh parsley,...
It wouldn't be summer if Mom didn't make lots of these creamy cucumbers. Just a few simple ingredients-mayonnaise, sugar, vinegar and salt-dress up slices...
This goat cheese salad is a light and delicious side dish for almost any meal. The sweetness of the apples, raisins and grapes combines well with the tart...
Since my husband likes spicy foods, I frequently sprinkle chopped jalapeno peppers over half of this cornbread casserole for him. -Carrina Cooper, McAlpin,...
Cheese is one of the major agricultural products in our area of northern California. A colleague gave me this recipe a number of years ago, and it's always...
Nuts are a wonderful source of protein and nutrition so I look for ways to add them to all of my dishes. The addition of cranberries in this recipe makes...